Monday, November 14, 2016

Dolus aut Dulce? Halloween Costume Contest Results

Lindsey Morse decorated her
hair up with snakes, completing
her change into Ms. Medusa.
Ian Hochberg and his family
dressed as deities and
Over the past month we asked teachers and students to dress up in classics-themed costumes for Halloween and to send their pictures to us through Twitter.

It was nice to see such an array of costumes, ranging from traditional Roman deities, to Hannibal preparing to cross the Alps, and even the mythological gorgon Medusa! Thank you to all who participated, and congratulations to the winners, who were randomly selected from the pool of participants.

Congratulations to winner Ian Hochberg of St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School in Alexandria, VA. He and his family dressed together as Hercules, Iris, Zeus, and Artemis. "Wise Athena," Ian said, was "busy tutoring."

Congratulations also to our second winner, Lindsey Morse of Stratford Academy in Macon, GA. Students sat stone-faced as their teacher, with snakes in her hair, transformed into Ms. Medusa.
Winston Durand went all out
for his Hannibal costume.

Lastly, congratulations to our third winner, Winston Durand, a student of Latin teacher Matt Davis at Miramonte High School in Orinda, CA. Winston dressed as the military general Hannibal, fully suited for battle and for the cold, as he prepares to go over the Alps.

Did you miss out on this year's Halloween contest? Be sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook to keep up to date with upcoming contests, new books, and conference and webinar schedules!

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