by Robert Sonkowsky

Latin Aloud: Audio AP* Selections affords teachers and students alike an opportunity to enjoy the poetry and prose of Vergil, Catullus, Ovid, Cicero and Horace—recited, as the authors likely intended. Researched and recorded by the foremost scholar in the Restored Classical Pronunciation of Latin, Dr. Robert P. Sonkowsky, these readings improve oral proficiency and comprehension while learning the lilt and meter of the language.
These recordings, restored from the original masters and converted to MP3 for maximum availability and affordability, contain:
Vergil Selections – Aeneid, Georgics, Eclogues
Catullus Selections – 34 Poems, including Catullus 64
Ovid Selections – Amores, Metamorphoses
Cicero Selections – de Amicitia and pro Archia (entire)
Horace Selections – 17 Odes, Satire 1.9
Dr. Robert P. Sonkowsky is a professor emeritus of Classical and Near Eastern Studies at the University of Minnesota. He is an authority on Latin rhetoric and the pronunciation of Golden Age Latin. He has been performing the works of Latin and Greek authors for over forty years.
Running Time: 5:21:11. (2007) Audio CD, Product Code 00007
Click here to see Latin Aloud: Audio AP* Selections at our website.
*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this product.
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