A Horace Workbook, Teacher's Manual
To teach Horace’s intricate, multifaceted poetry is a challenging but rewarding task. A Horace Workbook Teacher’s Manual, the complement to A Horace Workbook, has been designed and written by teachers to aid teachers in this endeavor. No mere answer key, this all-in-one Teacher’s Manual includes the complete student workbook and provides answers directly following each question. The Manual is an excellent resource for every teacher of Horace from novice to master.
• Lessons focus on the Advanced Placement selections from Horace’s Odes and Satire I.9
• Essay grading rubrics based on the Advanced Placement model
• Comprehensive, customized grading guidelines for each essay
• Two appendices with sample student essays and scoring guidelines
• Rubrics for scoring translation exercises
• Complete answers to exercises that provide a supply of the types of questions commonly found on the Advanced Placement Examinations such as:
▪ Multiple choice questions ▪ Essays ▪ Short analysis questions on matters of literary interpretation, historical allusions,
and figurative language ▪ Translation ▪ Scansion
• Three review tests modeled on the exercises provided for each poem
David Murphy earned his PhD in Classics from Columbia University. Since 1982 he has been teaching Latin and Greek at the secondary school level, including courses that prepare students for both the Vergil and the Latin Literature AP* exams. He served as an AP* reader for eight years, the last as a table leader, and was trained to give AP* workshops for teachers. He has taught Classics since 1993 at The Nightingale-Bamford School where he is now Head of the Upper School. He has given papers at meetings of the American Philological Association, the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, and other conferences and has published on paleography, textual criticism, and ancient philosophy. Publications include “The Basis of The Text of Plato’s Charmides” in Mnemosyne 55, 2002, and “Doctors of Zalmoxis and Immortality in the Charmides” in Proceedings of the V Symposium Platonicum (2000), and A Horace Workbook (2005, co-authored).
Ronnie Ancona is the author of Time and the Erotic in Horace’s Odes (1994), Writing Passion: A Catullus Reader (2004), Horace: Selected Odes and Satire 1.9 (1999, 2nd edition, 2005), co-editor of Gendered Dynamics in Latin Love Poetry (2005), co-author of A Horace Workbook (2005), and editor of Latin Scholarship/Latin Pedagogy (forthcoming). Her research interests include Latin lyric poetry, women in Greece and Rome, and Latin pedagogy. She is currently Professor of Classics at Hunter College and The Graduate Center (CUNY), and Director of Hunter’s MA in the Teaching of Latin. She has been an AP* Latin Exam Reader and has conducted College Board AP* Latin workshops for teachers.
Teacher's Manual: xvi + 272 pp. (2006) Paperback, ISBN 0-86516-649-8
Click here to see A Horace Workbook, Teacher's Manual at our website.
*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this product.
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